We are always open for submissions!!

CHINCHILLA LIT accepts previously unpublished submissions of prose, poetry, hybrid works, play and script, and cover art. We publish on a quarterly basis; our last issue was published July 2023. We seek to showcase work from young writers aged 11~25. We request First World Electronic Serial Rights and Non-Exclusive Archival Rights; all creative rights to a piece revert back to contributors upon publication.


  • You may send up to 3 poems, 10 pages of prose, 10 pages of play and script, and up to 5 pieces of artwork.

  • We accept all forms of poetry (free verse, form, prose, etc.), all forms of prose (flash, creative nonfiction, essay, etc.), full plays or standalone excerpts, and all forms of artwork (traditional, collage, digital, etc.).

  • We only accept PDFs. For artwork, PNGs are also allowed, but your work must be scanned or photographed in high quality.

  • We expect that your submission will be in a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Garamond, and with typical formatting (unless special formatting is required).

  • The third-person biography must be no longer than five sentences, and may contain credentials, publications, social media handles, etc.

  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please make sure to let us know immediately via email if your submission has been accepted for publication elsewhere. The same goes for if you need to withdraw your submission for whatever reason.

  • Submissions are, of course, free.

  • You will be notified of the status of your submission via email regardless of acceptance, and we welcome any queries directed to our email. Feedback will be provided upon request.

  • We will not accept any work with messages of bigotry or hate, and you will be rejected and blocked without notice should you choose to do so. Furthermore, plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated under any circumstance.